Tuesday, February 26, 2008

On Printing with Tomato Sauce

I decided to try making some prints with food products. Tomato sauce and butter. It was a little bit of a challenge finding the method that worked best. In the end, it was important to cover the surface of the screen with the the butter or sauce and then run the squeegee over it to make a print. Neither the butter nor the sauce were liquid enough to pull over the screen on their own. The results:




homemayde said...

you should think about working with media/food that would spoil really eaily... moldscreening, if you will.
the effects might be very interesting, not to mention olifactorily fascinating.

Alicia Diaz said...

I found your project witty. I think its a much needed comment on how religious iconography has been embedded in our everyday visual language to the point that we think we see it everywhere...even in stain. It would be great to see this in a public space where this can be interpret as a "miraculous image".