From the City of Chicago's Website:
Mayor Daley's Graffiti Blasters"Graffiti is vandalism, it scars the community, hurts property values and diminishes our quality of life.
Started by Mayor Daley in 1993, Graffiti Blasters stepped up the battle against graffiti by offering a free removal service to private property owners. The Department of Streets & Sanitation's crews remove this vandalism with "blast" trucks or paint crews.
Graffiti Blasters employs 18 "blast" trucks that use baking soda under high water pressure to erase painted graffiti from brick, stone and other mineral surfaces. They also use 14 paint trucks to cover graffiti on the remaining surfaces.
This year, "Graffiti Blasters" is celebrating its 15h anniversary and has cleaned more than 1.6 million instances of graffiti vandalism. It has become one of the most popular municipal services offered by the City of Chicago, and a role model for other cities.
As with the City's many anti-crime and beautification programs, we depend on community groups, block clubs, chambers of commerce and individual residents to reach out to us for this invaluable service. If a cleaned building is struck again, we make every effort to return and remove the new graffiti quickly.
The Department of Street & Sanitation also works very closely with the Chicago Police Department to apprehend graffiti vandals in the act of defacing property. Parents or guardians may be liable for monetary damages, if a minor in the same household commits any type of vandalism, including graffiti.
No community in Chicago has to tolerate graffiti. Please join us in eliminating graffiti and making this an even more beautiful city.
To report graffiti or request its removal, call the city's service request line at 3-1-1.